5 Holiday Waistline Survival Tips | PhitZone

5 Holiday Waistline Survival Tips

Five tips for your waistband to survive the holidays

Survive the holidays with your waistband in tact.

Holiday Waistline Survival Guide

A funny thing happens this time of year – A perfect storm develops to take you out of your game.

It starts with Halloween and all of the candy. Then it works into Thanksgiving with the turkey and all of the trimmings.

We then round out the hat-trick with all of the normal holiday goodies at Christmas time.

It’s no wonder that come January 1st we’re all looking for all of the diet and exercise tips that we can get our sausage-like fingers on.

We now give you five holiday tips for your waistband.

Avoid liquid calories

Whenever possible you want to avoid consuming your calories in liquid form. The one exception to this rule is a post-workout protein drink.

Juice, soda (pop, cola… whatever you call it), sports drinks – none of it touches your lips. Craig calls it liquid sugar, and you want to skip it.

Let’s face it; alcohol is a common theme at many Christmas functions. If you really gotta go there, make it light beer, wine, or straight alcohol. Mixed drinks are a no-no.

Drive past the drive-thru

For that matter, if you have to drive down Fast Food Blvd, keep your food on the long vertical pedal on the right. No fast food. That’s a good general rule all year ‘round.

The quality of the food is cheap, and not worth the effort.

Bottom line, if it’s fast food, it’s junk food. Take the detour if you have to.

Eat your veggies

The more the merrier. Some fruits are calorie dense, but that’s ok. Just make sure that you’re getting as much as you can handle.

Take a couple of weeks to get up to ten servings.

Organic is best, if you can go that route. Fiber-rich fruits & veggies are the best choices.

Get your nut on

You should be eating about one ounce of almonds or walnuts per day. Natural or dry-roasted.

These contain good fats (ya, I said good fats).

They make an awesome snack.

Gravity is consistent

And so should your workouts (aff).

I know that you’re busy, especially during the silly season. Don’t let that get in the way.

Schedule your training, and don’t let up!


There you have it. Five tips to help you not have to feel so guilty come Jan 1.

Photo: Lenka Pužmanová

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3 Responses to “5 Holiday Waistline Survival Tips”

  1. Melinda says:

    “Get your nut on” made me LOL! Great tips. Another? If you have to deal with food pushers, just politely say “no thank you”. You don’t need to say anything more! If you feel you must, just tell them you’re super stuffed and ask to take some home. OR ask for the recipe.

    Merry Christmas!

    Melinda´s last [type] ..How I Set Up MyFitnessPal to Help Myself Lose 10 Pounds

  2. Todd says:

    Great suggestion, Melinda. That’s a hard one to deal with, both at parties and in the office.

  3. Now that I’ve been forced to give up all soda and coffee I’m expecting to see the pounds melt off! YAY!

    Julie @Momspective´s last [type] ..RTT – I Want To Make Love To Timothy Olyphant’s Parts

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